Below are some tips for employers todeal with coronavirus concerns: Prevention Alert employees as to the symptoms and risks associated with the coronavirus, as well as prevention measures. This information is readily available from official health sources, including your local public health office. Encourage employees to wash their hands prior to commencing work, after sneezing […]
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At this stage, it should be clear that marketing your business through social media has the potential for some positive impact on sales but many smaller businesses hold back because, among other factors, time conscious business owners simply do not know if the time investment of managing social media accounts will provide a corresponding benefit. […]
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In this article we provide some information and context in response to typical questions asked in employment termination situations. This includes the difference between termination for “just cause”, and termination “without cause”, “reasonable notice” and severance. We also provide information for union members, and details about the range of reasonable notice that the employee is entitled to receive.
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