Trademarks have often been a source for those with more nepahrious intent to gain access to individual’s personal information, this in part because the registration of a trademark includes publicly searchable information. We have recently been contacted by clients with serious questions regarding emails which are actually scams under the guise of relating to protecting […]
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In a case in the Supreme Court of Canada (watch the video of the decision here) some strategies were suggested for those who are looking to protect their company on the Internet. In an extension of a matter that began in the BC courts (and previously discussed by us here) the Supreme Court essentially ordered […]
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Those of you who know me have likely heard me speak about domain names to the point where you don’t really want to hear me say much more. With many of the new gTLD (generic Top Level Domains or the letters after the “dot”) either already running or accepting registrations this is the perfect time […]
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At this stage, it should be clear that marketing your business through social media has the potential for some positive impact on sales but many smaller businesses hold back because, among other factors, time conscious business owners simply do not know if the time investment of managing social media accounts will provide a corresponding benefit. […]
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According to this 2013 study the crowdfunding market will soon surpass $1 Billion and suggests a ceiling on the investment levels may be hundreds times that amount. Already thousands of small companies, entreprneurs, artists, writers, musicians, gamers and others are using crowdfunding as an alternative (or often in addition) to the traditional friends and family […]
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It is pretty well accepted that if you want to protect your businesses proprietary information that a non-disclosure agreement (NDA) is the place to start. A recent decision out of the US warns us that an NDA is only the first step on a long and continuing path to protecting your IP. In that case, […]
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In the terms of use (which few of us read) Google search it very clearly states that “All claims arising out of or relating to these terms or the Services will be litigated exclusively in the federal or state courts of Santa Clara County, California, USA”. Unfortunately for Google, a recent British Columbia Case reminds […]
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In this recent article the Quebec government decided that it would be too expensive to justify continuing with switching provincial government websites over to the new .quebec registry. For the uninitiated, there is a massive change happening as I write this as to the types of web domains that can be used. We are generally […]
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