There is a looming epidemic here in BC that may be more devastating to homeowners that the Leaky Condo Crisis. It is hidden away and silently gnawing away at the equity many homeowners mistakenly feel they are building up in their homes. Underground storage tanks (USTs), that used to be for heating oil, are causing […]
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I was recently asked to comment on a news story regarding an old scam run in a new way. Despite the image many people have of computers and smart phones often having a detrimental effect on socializing, generally this is quite the opposite of what occurs in practice. Social networking in many forms does allow […]
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Those of you who know me have likely heard me speak about domain names to the point where you don’t really want to hear me say much more. With many of the new gTLD (generic Top Level Domains or the letters after the “dot”) either already running or accepting registrations this is the perfect time […]
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Earlier this month I was contacted by an adult child wondering about getting themselves registered as a joint tenant on their surviving parent’s property to “make the estate easier to deal with”. For property owners hoping to save their children the cost of probate, and children looking to find a simple way to transfer a […]
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At this stage, it should be clear that marketing your business through social media has the potential for some positive impact on sales but many smaller businesses hold back because, among other factors, time conscious business owners simply do not know if the time investment of managing social media accounts will provide a corresponding benefit. […]
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According to this 2013 study the crowdfunding market will soon surpass $1 Billion and suggests a ceiling on the investment levels may be hundreds times that amount. Already thousands of small companies, entreprneurs, artists, writers, musicians, gamers and others are using crowdfunding as an alternative (or often in addition) to the traditional friends and family […]
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It is pretty well accepted that if you want to protect your businesses proprietary information that a non-disclosure agreement (NDA) is the place to start. A recent decision out of the US warns us that an NDA is only the first step on a long and continuing path to protecting your IP. In that case, […]
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In the terms of use (which few of us read) Google search it very clearly states that “All claims arising out of or relating to these terms or the Services will be litigated exclusively in the federal or state courts of Santa Clara County, California, USA”. Unfortunately for Google, a recent British Columbia Case reminds […]
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Efficient estate planning ensures that your worldly possessions transfer to your kith and kin in accordance to your wishes…but have you planned for inclusion of your virtual possessions? No longer are we able to pass on a bundle of love letters and pictures written to bridge the gap of miles and time. Similarly, we are […]
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Friends of mine are an inspiration, they seem to find ways to stick together, help each other, and have fun no matter what the circumstances. Several year ago, the parents, daughter and son were all working in the same city but house prices were increasing and the children could not save enough to afford a […]
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