Posts Tagged ‘ e-commerce ’

$1.6m later Quebec decides .quebec too expensive

In this recent article the Quebec government decided that it would be too expensive to justify continuing with switching provincial government websites over to the new .quebec registry.  For the uninitiated, there is a massive change happening as I write this as to the types of web domains that can be used. We are generally […]

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5 Questions for your Canadian E-commerce Strategy

Canadian retailers are apparently missing the boat when it comes to attracting online shoppers; at least that seems to be the conclusion from a recent news story.
Citing a study on e-commerce conducted for Google, the study estimates Canadian online consumption is expected to almost double during the 2010 – 2016 period to about $51 billion. The story goes on to report that small and medium sized businesses in Canada have been more reluctant than their peers elsewhere in the world to develop e-commerce strategies.

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